kids crossing stream on field trip

The Minnesota You Love

kids crossing stream on field trip (foreground)
News & Insights
Boundary Waters Canoe Area

Since 1988 the state’s lottery proceeds have provided over $1 billion in stable, long-term funding for innovative projects to help protect our Great Outdoors without spending any tax dollars. This November, the opportunity to renew lottery funding will be on every ballot in Minnesota. Over 50% of voters must vote YES to ensure this critical funding source continues flowing to the Great Outdoors for the next 25 years.

Mississippi River in Hastings, downstream from Cottage Grove

The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) recently announced a draft wastewater permit for the 3M Cottage Grove facility, containing some of the strongest limits on PFAS in Minnesota history. MPCA is currently accepting public comment on the proposal through August 30. Learn more!

Tell Me More guests: Sarah Strommen (DNR), Grace Arnold (Commerce), and Katrina Kessler (MPCA)

As part of our new Tell Me More: Talks with Conservation Minnesota webinar series, we recently hosted three state commissioners (from Commerce, Pollution Control, and Natural Resources) to discuss the last two legislative sessions and how their agencies are working to implement historic investments in clean energy, clean water, and outdoor recreation.

Our Community Stewards program, in partnership with AmeriCorps, brings Minnesotans together to learn about and solve conservation problems within their community. Today, we have offices in Duluth, Bemidji, Moorhead, Saint Cloud, Rochester, and Winona. Learn about the impact our Stewards are making on local communities.

July is Disability Pride Month in Minnesota. The Minnesota DNR and nonprofits that help protect the Great Outdoors are working to make Minnesota's outdoor spaces accessible for all.

monarch butterfly in flight
Conservation Crew

Conservation Crew is our student-led extracurricular school program for middle schoolers. Rooted in service learning, students develop leadership skills by designing and implementing conservation projects to impact their schools and communities.

juneberry branch