Protecting Our Iconic Wildlife & Pollinators
Forests, farmlands, prairies, woods, and wetlands are an essential part of our unrivaled quality of life. Protecting public lands and preserving habitat for pollinators, fish, and wildlife is a key program area for Conservation Minnesota.
Catching the big one after a long day on the lake. Spotting a moose or a bear while hiking through the woods. Or hearing a loon call while at the cabin. These moments feel iconically Minnesotan. Minnesota is rich in all kinds of wildlife and they benefit enormously from our parks, forests, wildlife management areas, and wildlife refuges.
Minnesotans love to get outdoors—to discover, explore, camp, hunt, hike, enjoy our diverse wildlife, and be in peaceful solitude.
Conservation Minnesota worked to fully fund the Land & Water Conservation Fund, one of our nation’s most important programs to conserve land and improve outdoor recreation opportunities throughout the United States.

Minnesota’s outdoor recreation economy is a $16.7 billion industry and employs 140,000 Minnesotans
Since 1991, lottery funding has provided over $900 million for projects that conserve and protect our water, land, and habitat. But this funding will disappear if voters do not renew it in 2024.
Conservation Minnesota worked to fully fund the Land & Water Conservation Fund, one of our nation’s most important programs to conserve land and improve outdoor recreation opportunities throughout the United States.
In 2008, Conservation Minnesota played a lead role in passing the Legacy Amendment. This act constitutionally dedicates three-eighths of 1% of the tax revenue for 25 years to preserve the state’s natural resources and arts legacy.