
Replace Lead Drinking Water Pipes | SF 4601

Senate | Introduced May 12, 2020
About this Legislation
Chief Author

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), no safe level of lead exposure has been found. For infants and children, exposure to lead can cause significant damage to the brain, nervous system, red blood cells, and kidneys.

The most significant source of lead in Minnesota drinking water is lead service lines. There are estimated to be 100,000 lead service lines remaining in Minnesota. Because there are both public and privately-owned components of lead service lines, it is critical that both components be eligible for replacement. 

The cost of removing all sources of lead in drinking water supplies in Minnesota is estimated to be between $1.52 billion and $4.12 billion over 20 years. However, the estimated benefits associated with removing lead from water (increases in lifetime productivity, earnings and taxes paid) range between $4.24 billion and $8.47 billion over 20 years. 

There is currently no state program for funding the removal of lead service lines on private property. A bill was introduced to expand the purposes of the state’s Drinking Water Revolving Fund to include grants for lead pipe replacement on both public and private property. 


The bill language to allow grants for privately owned lead pipe replacement was included in the broad Health Omnibus bill which was passed by the House on May 16, 2020 and by the Senate on May 17, 2020. The bill was signed by the Governor on May 27, 2020.