I’ve always believed that solving big problems happens only when enough people come together around a new way of doing things. Today, we face many challenges, but with them come opportunities. I’m confident this moment can spark innovative solutions that protect the places we cherish, address the threats of climate and water pollution, and create a future where your zip code does not dictate your access to health, opportunity, and the wonders of Minnesota’s outdoors.
To build this future together, we need responsible, forward-looking leaders willing to take courageous actions while working to find common ground. This fall, Minnesotans will elect a governor, state senators, state representatives, and municipal leaders.
Find out who’s running for local offices in your community on the Secretary of State's website.
During this election season, we’re using our website and newsletter to help both candidates and voters understand the conservation issues important to Minnesotans.
We encourage voters will seek out opportunities to speak to their candidates to see learn about their shared conservation values. Our Voter Education page highlights the important conservation issues facing our state to help voters ask informed questions.
If you are a candidate yourself, thank you! Running for public office is itself an act of courage. To help you speak to voters and understand what issues matter, we created a resource to help candidates across the ideological spectrum. See the results on our Candidate Education page. Additionally, our policy team is here to support you with answers to your questions about conservation issues at: info@conservationminnesota.org
Together, I know we can protect all that makes Minnesota special.