
News & Insights
Lebanon Hills
carrying plastic bags
Nels Paulsen
James Lehner

During the 2017 legislative session, a law was passed prohibiting cities from creating ordinances to ban the use of plastic bags in their communities. When we advocated against this bill, we called it the “Bag Ban-Ban.” This session, a bill was introduced to undo the prohibition of banning plastic bags and return control to local governments. Read the letter we submitted in support of the repeal.

mobile phone in hand near recycling bin
Nels Paulsen
James Lehner

Today, we submitted the following letter in support of a bill that would create a state task force to help prevent critical minerals from ending up in our landfills. This common-sense solution could reduce the amount of new minerals we need to mine from the ground by reusing the minerals in our outdated technology waste. 

Car on the road
Nels Paulsen

Last week, Conservation Minnesota signed on to testimony in support of a Minnesota Clean Transportation Standard. This legislation would reduce emissions from Minnesota’s highest polluting sector. 

Saint Paul Capitol lit up in the evening
Nels Paulsen

As Minnesota’s 2024 legislative session gets underway, we are preparing to build on last year’s historic wins by advancing more impactful legislation to protect the Minnesota we love. Though this session will be shorter, we are still putting our support behind bills to reduce packaging waste, decrease emissions from the transportation sector, and more to make Minnesota a healthier and thriving place to live.

CC Students work on a buckthorn removal project

Winter is upon us, but our Conservation Crews are not hibernating—they’re hard at work. Crews at 32 middle schools across the state are working to finalize their project ideas and get down to business. 

sunrise over lake shore with evergreens
Sunrise on a lake near Grand Rapids, Minnesota

As we kick off the celebration of Conservation Minnesota’s 20th Anniversary, this edition of our newsletter gives a “peek under the hood” of how we make change happen. Luckily, the fuels that power this engine are all renewable: trust, community, and partnership.

Blazing Star Award Conservation Minnesota
Avery Hildebrand

In recognition of local governments’ work to protect the Great Outdoors, we launched the Blazing Star Award in 2022. Learn about the 2023 winners!

Owamni Restaurant signage You Are on Native Land
Sean Sherman's Owamni restaurant in Minneapolis

November is National Native American Heritage Month. It’s a time to celebrate the rich cultures, histories, and traditions of Minnesota’s Tribal Nations and acknowledge the important contributions Native people are making today. This month we’re learning more about indigenous foods, and their connection between people and culture.

Students learn how to make a wood garden bed
Crew students learn how to make a raised bed for a campus garden

Entering the 3rd year of our youth program, Conservation Crew, we've had some great results! Read about our program evaluation results from last school year and what we're looking forward to this school year.

Child drinks water

This week is National Lead Prevention Week (October 22­­–28), making it a good time to remind Minnesotans of the most common exposures to lead and celebrate Minnesota’s historic steps to protect children and all Minnesotans from the harmful effects of lead.