On April 9th, I was able to participate in a workshop in Eden Prairie focusing on the new organics recycling policy being implemented by Hennepin County.
Cities and their day to day work are highly visible and they have the unique ability to lead by example and provide the public with infrastructure to charge their own electric vehicles.
Join us in urging Representative McCollum to fully fund the Land & Water Conservation Fund so that Minnesotans and Americans can enjoy outdoor spaces for generations to come.
Since the program was started, just over 5 years ago, Conservation MN's team of regional managers have dramatically increased the organization’s ability to work at the local level to protect the MN we love.
The growing momentum toward expanding clean energy and reducing carbon pollution may not be a surprise to the readers of Conservation Minnesota’s newsletter.
Over the last several months, Governor Walz and Lt. Governor Flanagan have made key appointments to state agencies that impact our lakes, lands, and way of life.